Update on Salons, Barber Shops, Nail Salons, & Spas/COVID-19 Updates

Summary for most recent day of reporting in Connecticut

Category Text Total Change Direction Change
Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 30,621 +     648
COVID-19 Associated Deaths   2,633 +       77
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19   1,500 +       36
Patients Tested for COVID-19 108,643 +  3,313

Charts represent the date the data were reported to the CT DPH.  Cases and deaths are cumulative over time.  Hospitalization data are collected by CT Hospital Association

Source: Department of Public Health Created with Datawrapper

                                                                                                               Total Reported

                                                                                                               To Date                Change from Yesterday  

Westport Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State         255                      + 8

Weston Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State              60                      + 0

A complete listing by town and county of all COVID-19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, and various analyses of those cases, can be found by following this link:



Update on Salons, Barber Shops, Nail Salons, & Spas

 As you know, Governor Lamont’s Executive Order closed hair salons, barber shops, spas and nail salons through May 20th, unless the date is further modified.  Over the last few days, the Health District has received calls from area business owners inquiring about the exact date for re-opening and any associated guidelines.  However, the Health District has not yet received any official guidelines from the State of Connecticut on reopening for these businesses.

The Health District does expect that the State will issue safety guidelines that business owners and managers will need to follow in order to reopen and protect their clients and employees. Worker safety information can be found in the OSHA Guide:  https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf.

Centers for Disease Control ongoing COVID19 mitigation guidance can be reviewed at:


In the meantime, as business owners plan for re-opening, we suggest they begin thinking about the following general guidance as we all wait for the official Directive from the Governor’s office:

Temperature checks – Consider use of a touchless infrared thermometer to check the temperature of employees each day and of each client who enters the salon/shop.  Any employee who has a temperature above 99 degrees Fahrenheit should be sent home immediately and not allowed to return to the salon/shop until they have no fever and no evidence of COVID-19 symptoms.

 Ask each client entering the shop the following questions:

  • Have you had a cough?
  • Have you had a fever?
  • Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?
  • Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?

Limit the number of people in the shop/salon – Consider seeing clients by appointment only.  Limit the number of people in waiting areas.  It is recommended that clients wait outside in their vehicles until the cosmetologist, stylist, or barber is ready for their appointment.

 Maintain social distancing at all times – Spacing between people in the salons should be at least six feet, except when staff is servicing clients.  Consider spacing chairs or alternating work schedules to accomplish this.

 Protective Gear

  • Wearing masks – Employees should wear masks at all times. Salons may consider providing masks for clients.  Clients should wear masks to the extent possible while receiving services.
  • Capes – Each client should be draped with a clean cape. Consider disposable capes if possible.
  • Gloves – It is recommended that employees wear disposable gloves to the extent possible when servicing clients and change gloves between clients.
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for minimum of 20 seconds between every client service.
  • Gloves, gowns, drapes, and linens should be changed between clients. Used items should be cleaned/disinfected and/or discarded in a closed container.

Clean and disinfect regularly– Reception areas, restrooms, shampoo bowls, work-stations, work surfaces, and other frequently touched surfaces like door handles, light switches, tables, chairs, computers, etc.

 Other procedures to consider:

  • Sick employees should stay home.
  • Owners/Managers should provide training, educational materials, and reinforcement on proper sanitation, hand washing, cough and sneeze etiquette, using masks, and other proper behaviors.
  • Ensure break rooms are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized and not used for congregating by employees.
  • Ensure that sinks have soap and paper towels available.
  • Post hand washing signs in restrooms
  • Provide alcohol wipes for use at phone stations.
  • Be flexible with work schedules/salon hours to reduce number of people in salon/shop at all times so that social distancing can be maintained.
  • Provide Barbacide or EPA disinfectant wipes, liquid disinfectant containers, and Barbacide concentrate or EPA approved disinfectant for disinfecting technical implements and work areas.

We will post any updates, along with further recommendations for safety and sanitation, on our website when that information is officially released.  Please check back for updates.  Thank you for your continued patience.