These Have Been Stressful Times/COVID-19 Updates

Summary for most recent day of reporting in Connecticut

Category Text Total Change Direction Change
Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 27,700 +      933
COVID-19 Associated Deaths   2,257 +        89
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19   1,650        41
Patients Tested for COVID-19 97,133 +   2,315

Charts represent the date the data were reported to the CT DPH.  Cases and deaths are cumulative over time.  Hospitalization data are collected by CT Hospital Association

Source: Department of Public Health Created with Datawrapper

                                                                                                               Total                 Reported

                                                                                                               To Date            Change from


Local Results                                                                                                                  

Westport Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State         238                      + 4

Weston Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State              59                       +1

A complete listing by town and county of all COVID-19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, and various analyses of those cases, can be found by following this link:


These Have Been Trying and Stressful Times

The WWHD would like to take a moment to send a heartfelt thank you to our tremendous group of volunteers who have logged many hours aiding the Health District and Community Health team with contract tracing, phone calls, outreach, and other activities.  It has been a trying time, most especially for those who have lost friends, family, and loved ones.  We extend our deepest condolences to all those who have experienced loss during the pandemic.

 The anxiety and stress associated with the coronavirus pandemic is affecting many of us.  Isolation, fear, income and employment insecurity, and many other concerns impact our well-being and state of mind. Behavioral health experts suggest that we that consider the following.

  • Equip yourself with information from credible, reputable sources
  • Be aware of scams and fraud
  • Manage how you consume news and information and don’t get overloaded
  • Follow a daily routine as much as possible
  • Take care of yourself through exercise and movement
  • Practice relaxation and mindfulness
  • Do meaningful things with your free time
  • Stay connected with others and maintain social networks via phone, social media, and video calls
  • Find a mental health community if you need to speak with someone who can relate to your experiences and need support
  • Connect with a spiritual community that may be helpful to find strength and consolation in times of distress, loss, grief, or bereavement

Social Service & Mental Health Resources

Thankfully, there are a number of good resources that residents can turn to for more information, tips, and suggestions for coping with stress and taking care of yourself.  The Department of Human Services team at the Town of Westport has compiled a wonderful list of resources. Visit their webpage (, which is updated regularly, for details on the following:

  • Financial Assistance
  • Food Assistance
  • Utility Assistance
  • Healthcare & Access Health CT
  • Mental Health
  • Online Activities
  • Ways to Donate & Volunteer

Please contact Human Services at 203-341-1050 or if you or a neighbor has an emergency need of food or medications. 

 Crisis Hotlines

If you or a loved one is having a mental health crisis:

  • CT Information Hotline 211 or go to for mobile crisis support for individuals and/or children
  • Mental Health Crisis Text Line – Text “SHARE” to 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:  800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Kids in Crisis also has a 24-hour hotline for assistance 203-661-1911
  • NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health):If you need to talk to someone, text NAMI to 741741 or call the NAMI Helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
  • Alcoholics Anonymous – Please contact your site to see if meetings are continuing in your neighborhood.

Warm Lines & Telephone Support

Warm Lines are telephone support services staffed by people who have experience/expertise with mutual support.  These lines are not crisis lines and the days/hours of operation vary.

Domestic Violence Resources

  • Safe Connect, Connecticut’s domestic violence crisis hotline is available 24/7. Call 888-774-2900 or chat/email at Texting is currently unavailable. Counseling and advocacy for victims is being provided via phone or email.

Other Resources

Remember that for non-emergency situations, call the Department of Human Services at 203-341-1050 or email for referral to appropriate resources.