Social Distancing Remains in Effect/Plasma Donations Needed/COVID-19 Updates & Testing

The holiday weekend will bring new temptations to meet and gather with family and friends – DON’T DO IT –  social distancing remains in effect. 

  • Stay Safe, Stay Home: The Governor signed an executive order directing Connecticut residents to “Stay Safe, Stay Home.” It directs all nonessential businesses statewide to prohibit in-person functions. Guidance has been issued to the state’s businesses. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers: All workplaces considered essential must follow Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Gatherings: All social and recreational gatherings of more than 5 people are prohibited. This includes things such as sports, parades, concerts, festivals, live performances, and conventions. Religious, spiritual, and worship gatherings of more than 50 are prohibited. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Food establishments: Restaurants and bars that serve food are required to provide take-out and delivery services for off-premise consumption only. These establishments must limit entrance of customers to the minimum extent necessary to pick up and/or pay for orders, and use touchless payment if available. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Retail establishments: Stores that are permitted to stay open under the “Stay Safe, Stay Home” executive order must follow “Safe Store Rules” that several requirements, such as a cap on occupancy at 50% capacity, and floor markings measuring 6 feet must be at checkout lines, among other items. Guidance has been issued detailing all of the “Safe Store Rules.” This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Gyms, movie theaters, hair and nail salons: All gyms, fitness centers, and similar sports venues; theaters and cinemas; and hair salons, barbershops, nail salons, spas, and tattoo parlors are closed. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Schools: Classes at all public schools are canceled. This remains in effect until May 20, unless otherwise modified.
  • Travelers: Any person coming into Connecticut by any mode of transportation for any reason is strongly urged to self-quarantine for 14 days.


Norwalk/Danbury Hospital System Seeks COVID-19 Plasma Donation

If you had COVID-19 and have recovered, you may be able to help save a life. Your blood may contain antibodies that fight the virus and can help critically ill people.

Nuvance Health is looking to screen you as a volunteer. If you are willing to participate, please follow this link to see if you are eligible:

Travelers: Per State recommendations, any person coming into Connecticut by any mode of transportation for any reason is strongly urged to self-quarantine for 14 days.

As the numbers of  COVID19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health continues to grow and the way the data is now being processed, it is now best to review how COVID19 is spreading across the state by clicking on this link:

The medical and public health communities are waiting the arrival of the newly approved rapid COVID19 tests that provide results in minutes, not days. Therefore, the next, and likely final round of community testing for Westport and Weston Residents coordinated by the Health District but conducted by Murphy Medical, will be at the Bedford Middle School, 88 North Avenue:

  • Tuesday,   April  14,  2020      8:30AM – 12:00PM

Residents must register and book an appointment at to be tested:

There are other testing sites. If you have had contact with a confirmed COVID19 positive individual and have symptoms, please feel free to arrange testing at one of these other sites that can be found using this link: