Cosmetology Information

Preventing infection is the number one concern when visiting a salon/spa. Nail fungus, skin tuberculosis and other types of infections are common. WWHD conducts annual inspections of salons for the safety and protection of both consumers and practitioners. Salons offering pedicures are inspected two times per year.

For your protection, the WWHD offers the following advice when visiting a salon:

  • Choose a salon that appears clean and has licensed professionals. Ask to see a current license. Nail technicians do not require licensure.
  • Bring your own equipment, including emery boards, pumice stones, buffers, nippers, etc. Using your own equipment will ensure the tools are clean and will decrease your chances of infections. Nail files and orange sticks should be discarded after every use.
  • Demand that the nail technician use clean instruments and washes his/her hands before starting services.
  • Do not let a nail technician scrape your feet. It is against the law to use razors or callous blades to remove dead skin/calluses from the bottom of feet, heels, toes, etc. If nail technicians go too deep, they can cause serious infection. Whenever cutting of the skin is needed, seek medical care.
  • Cutting cuticles or digging on the sides of nail beds can cause fungal and bacterial infections. If cutting is required, the consumer should visit a medical professional. Cuticles may be pushed back and buffed only.

If you are a diabetic or have other health risks or medical conditions, notify your physician before having services performed. Diabetics have special health risks that make manicure and pedicure services dangerous. Cracks in the nail could cause infection or gangrene, or even result in the amputations of a finger or toe. Manicures and pedicures should not hurt or be painful. If the skin around the nail becomes painful, red, or inflamed, seek medical attention immediately.