Coronavirus Disease (COVID19) Updates & How to Donate Critical Items

It is truly heartwarming to be receiving so many offers of help and donations. The Health District and the towns of Westport and Weston have all been receiving many such calls. As everyone hears on the evening news, there has been a shortage of many critical items and your offers of donations are all appreciated.

Unfortunately, not everything being offered can be accepted and those that can be, must be screened for safety reasons.

Here is a list of items that can be accepted:

  • Plastic face shields and goggles
  • Packaged medical masks
  • Packaged N-95 masks
  • Packaged medical head coverings
  • Packaged medical gowns
  • Tyvek suits
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Packaged Nitrile or nylon disposable gloves

Items that are not pre-packaged cannot be accepted.

NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF DONATIONS AT THE HEALTH DISTRICT OR TOWN BUILDINGS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. Donation curbside drop offs must be scheduled for specific dates and time.

To make donations to the Town of Westport go to:


The town of Weston is working on a donation protocol.


To make donations to the Health District leave an email message at:

Travelers: Per State recommendations, any person coming into Connecticut by any mode of transportation for any reason is strongly urged to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Health District staff offers their sincerest condolences to the families who have recently lost loved ones in Weston and Westport, there has been a COVID19 related mortality in each community.

A review of the number of positive COVID19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, as of 4:00 pm this Saturday April 4, 2020 reveals that out of the total 5276 (an increase of 362 from yesterday) confirmed laboratory cases in Connecticut, 2824 (an increase of 108 from yesterday) were located in Fairfield County; 131 (an increase of 9 from yesterday) were from Westport and 32 (an increase of 0 from yesterday) from Weston. Norwalk (464 cases), Danbury (418 cases), Stamford (604 cases), Waterbury (217), New Haven (190) and Greenwich (191) now surpass Westport in the number of cases. Although Fairfield County continues to have the largest number of positive cases in Connecticut, New Haven County is next with 1024 cases (679 yesterday), Hartford County with 725 cases (679 yesterday) and Litchfield County 182 (173 yesterday).

Of those with confirmed cases in Connecticut, the largest number of cases continues to be in the over 50 to 59 age group, however, the number of cases in the lower age groups is increasing. The over 80 age group has the highest rate of hospitalizations and deaths.

To best protect yourself and loved ones, assume the virus is everywhere and avoid touching your face before washing your hands.

For a more detailed look at how COVID19 is spreading across the state, click on this link:

The next round of community testing for Westport and Weston Residents, conducted by Murphy Medical, will beat the Bedford Middle School, 88 North Avenue:

  • Tuesday,   April  7,  2020      8:30AM – 12:00PM

Residents must register and book an appointment at to be tested:

There are other testing sites. If you have had contact with a confirmed COVID19 positive individual and have symptoms, please feel free to arrange testing at one of these other sites that can be found using this link: