Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) Updates & Testing Opportunities

Director of Health, Mark Cooper, has noted the large increase in the number of positive COVID19 cases being reported in Connecticut as of 6pm this Sunday, March 22, 2020. Out of the total confirmed laboratory cases of 327 in Connecticut, 62 were from Westport and 3 from Weston. It is not believed that the testing conducted last week by the Health District is reflected in these numbers.  Fairfield County towns continue to be hardest hit and have the majority of cases being reported.

The increasing number of positive cases is not surprising. Last week the number of testing sites and the resulting number of  tests being conducted increased significantly. The more testing that gets done, the more COVID19 will be found in Westport and Weston, and across the state. Everyone should assume it is everywhere.

Of those with confirmed cases in Connecticut, it is interesting to note that the 40 to 49 age group has the highest number of laboratory confirmed COVID19 cases. But no age group is spared, COVID19 can infect anyone.

For a more detailed look at how COVID19 is spreading across the state, click on this link:


There Are Many Testing Options Available

Working closely with Town Officials, WWHD has arranged for additional community testing at the Bedford Middle School, 88 North Avenue, Westport. Residents of Westport and Weston only can be tested by Murphy Medical Associates, a private company, on the following dates/times:

Tuesday, March 24, 2000*   8:30AM – 12:00PM
Tuesday, March 31, 2020*   8:30AM – 12:00PM
Tuesday,   April  7,  2020*    8:30AM – 12:00PM

***These will be a drive through testing site and everyone must stay in their cars with the windows closed until asked to lower them. Pre-registration is required and those seeking testing must meet CDC screening requirements to be tested. This testing is not free – insurance may cover the cost depending on each individual’s coverage.

 Visit or call 203-658-6051 to learn more about the testing, costs and/or to begin the screening and registration process.

There are also other testing opportunities around the state. Some are listed below. People can learn more about each site’s screening process, costs, location and dates of testing by calling the associated call center or hotline telephone number below.

  • Yale New Haven Health system COVID-19 Call Center 1-833-275-9644
    • Hartford Health Care hotline 1-833-621-0600
    • Stamford Health COVID hotline 1-203-276-4111
    • Connecticut Children’s Hospital 1-833-226-2362
    • DOCS Urgent Care