Today is National Nurses Appreciation Day! (Updates)

Summary for most recent day of reporting in Connecticut

Day-to-day changes reflect newly reported cases, deaths, and tests that occurred over the last several days to week. All data in this report are preliminary; data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected. Hospitalization data were collected by the Connecticut Hospital Association. Deaths* reported to either the OCME or DPH are included in the daily COVID-19 update.*For public health surveillance, COVID-19-associated deaths include persons who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death (confirmed) and persons whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death (probable).

Category Text Total Change Direction Change
Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 30,995 +     374
COVID-19 Associated Deaths   2,718 +       85
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19   1,445       55
Patients Tested for COVID-19 111,447 +  2,804

Charts represent the date the data were reported to the CT DPH.  Cases and deaths are cumulative over time.  Hospitalization data are collected by CT Hospital Association

Source: Department of Public Health 

                                                                                                               Total Reported

                                                                                                                To Date              Change from Yesterday

Local Results                                                                                                                  

Westport Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State         256                      + 1

Weston Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State              61                      + 1

A complete listing by town and county of all COVID-19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, and various analyses of those cases, can be found by following this link:


Nurses Appreciation Day

May 6th is National Nurses Appreciation Day

 The WWHD is wishing nurses everywhere a huge “thank you” for all they do to care for patients and keep our community safe.  These dedicated professionals have been working tirelessly to combat the virus each day, both in our community hospitals and out in the field. We’d like to especially thank our public health nurses.  WWHD public health nurses are working to ensure residents have up to date information and direction during this difficult time.  From the very start of the pandemic, our nursing staff displayed compassion and commitment as they helped impacted residents.  Now, more than ever before, we are grateful for their special skills and courage.

The COVID-19 health crisis has served to highlight the important role a public health nurse plays in our cities and towns.  Public health nurses provide an array of services, working within their community to support population health, provide education, and deliver preventive health care services.  They work with diverse individuals, families and groups as well as under-served communities.  They provide screening tests to ensure that infectious diseases are identified, treated, and contained. Public health nurses administer immunizations, track patterns of disease outbreaks and serve on the front-line during emergency situations.  Our WWHD team jumped in with both feet and we are grateful for their continued dedication to our residents.

Resources for Our Heroes

 Many health care workers have experienced stress and anxiety as they carry out their duties during this public health emergency.  Community Health Resources (CHR) the state’s most comprehensive nonprofit behavioral healthcare agency recently launched a new hotline to provide assistance to anyone who is struggling with acute stress during this ongoing crisis.


  • Front-line heroes including healthcare providers, first responders, grocery store employees, delivery providers, and other essential employees.
  • Family and friends of front-line employees who are worried about their health and safety.
  • Anyone who is grieving after losing a loved one during the crisis.
  • Anyone who is struggling.

Call 888-217-HERO.  The line is staffed seven days a week from 10AM to 8PM.