Tick Bite Prevention May Be More Important Than Ever/Local Updates

Summary for most recent day of reporting in Connecticut

Category Text Total Change Direction Change
Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 23,921 +      821*
COVID-19 Associated Deaths   1,764 +      125
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19   1,877        70
Patients Tested for COVID-19 74,038 +    2,541

Charts represent the date the data were reported to the CT DPH.  Cases and deaths are cumulative over time.  Hospitalization data are collected by CT Hospital Association

Source: Department of Public Health Created with Datawrapper

                                                                                                               Total Reported

                                                                                                               To Date            Change

Local Results

Westport Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State         184                        +44*

Weston Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State              46                       + 11*

*There has been a change in how the State records positive cases. This increase reflects cases that may not have been counted in the past.

A complete listing by town and county of all COVID-19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, and various analysis of those cases, can be found by following this link:



Tick Bite Prevention May Be More Important Than Ever

Although COVID-19 has been everyone’s main focus lately, tick bite prevention may be more important now than ever. The best way to prevent tick borne diseases is to prevent tick bites. With the challenges brought about because of COVID-19, tick bite prevent is very important.

With the need for self isolation many people have begun to take advantage of the nice weather by getting outside and going for hikes. This is a great activity and one which we want to encourage when proper precautions are taken.

The symptoms of tick borne diseases are similar to many other illnesses, including COVID-19. Many Lyme Disease patients do not get a bulls-eye rash, so viral like symptoms including fever, headache, and fatigue may confound diagnosis. With the mild winter we just experienced, there may be a bumper “crop” of ticks just waiting to find a human host.

To prevent tick bites, wear light colored clothing so that ticks are easier to spot. Treat outdoor clothing with a Permethrin repellant. Stay on the center of hiking trails and use a blanket or tarp to avoid sitting directly on the ground when resting or picnicking. Always conduct tick checks when coming in from out of doors, whether it be getting back into your car or house. After being out in tick infested areas, place clothing and gear directly into a clothes dryer on high heat for 10 minutes to kill ticks that may be clinging to the fabric. Just washing clothes in the washer does not kill ticks. Shower as soon as you come inside. Don’t let pets that go outside sleep with anyone or on furniture. Additional information about preventing Lyme Disease and better tick proof your yard will be available on the Health District’s website soon.