Restaurants Continue Take Out Orders While Preparing to Re-open with Outdoor Seating/Salons & Barber Shops Opening Delayed to June

The State of Connecticut is experiencing a network outage that started early this Tuesday morning. This outage is impairing the state’s ability to send and receive external email. Several other systems that reside in the state’s data center are also affected. At this time, we do not have a definitive restoration time, however we do expect systems to be down through the remainder of the day. As a result, the link to the summary COVID19 date is for yesterday.

Restaurant Take Out Orders Continue – Restaurants Preparing  to Re-Open with Outdoor Seating.

The WWHD has received a number of calls regarding the anticipated re-opening of outdoor dining.  In an effort to guide businesses and clarify the process, Westport Town officials posted the following information.

On May 12, 2020, Governor Lamont issued Executive Order No. 7MM, which primarily modifies state and local law to streamline the application and approval process for outdoor dining and outdoor display of retail goods. The Town of Westport will be streamlining and expediting the process for those applicants seeking approval for outdoor dining.  The application form and a detailed description of the rules will be made available on the town’s P&Z website this week (

These applications will be reviewed with an expected response time within 10 days of the application receipt date.  The Planning & Zoning Commission has waived any requirements for a hearing on these applications to allow for an expedited reopening of outdoor dining in Westport.

Any questions regarding the process or guidelines can be directed to the Planning & Zoning Department.

Opening of Hair Salons and Barber Shops Delayed to June

Announced today, Governor Lamont has decided to delay the reopening of Connecticut’s hair salons and barber shops until sometime in early June.  The originally planned Phase 1 reopening for these businesses scheduled for May 20th is now on hold.  The rational given for this decision is that Governor Lamont wants to allow for additional preparation time and to align the state with its regional partners. No further details regarding timeline have been released.  The WWHD will update residents as information becomes available.

Please see link below for Governor Lamont’s press release: