COVID-19 Summary of Updates

Summary for most recent day of reporting in Connecticut

Day-to-day changes reflect newly reported cases, deaths, and tests that occurred over the last several days to week. All data in this report are preliminary; data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected. Hospitalization data were collected by the Connecticut Hospital Association. Deaths* reported to either the OCME or DPH are included in the daily COVID-19 update.*For public health surveillance, COVID-19-associated deaths include persons who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death (confirmed) and persons whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death (probable).

Category Text Total Change Direction Change
Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases   37,419 +     716
COVID-19 Associated Deaths     3,408 +       69
Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19        937       57
Patients Tested for COVID-19 170,607 +  5,852

Charts represent the date the data were reported to the CT DPH.  Cases and deaths are cumulative over time.  Hospitalization data are collected by CT Hospital Association

Source: Department of Public Health 

                                                                                                               Total Reported

                                                                                                               To Date     Change from


Local Results                                                                                                                  

Westport Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State         267                     + 0

Weston Residents COVID-19 Positive Reported to the State             62                      + 0

A complete listing by town and county of all COVID-19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, and various analyses of those cases, can be found by following this link: