Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates/Homes with Household Animals/Testing Sites

Suggested Guidance for Homes with Household Animals

According to the CDC, there is no reason at this time to think that any animals, including pets, in the United States might be a source of infection with this new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. To date, CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19 in the United States.

Pets have other types of coronaviruses that can make them sick, like canine and feline coronaviruses. These other coronaviruses cannot infect people and are not related to the current COVID-19 outbreak.

However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it’s always a good idea to practice healthy habits around pets and other animals, such as washing your hands and maintaining good hygiene.

In addition to other prevention measures, people with COVID-19 and in-home isolation should be advised to limit interaction with household animals. Specifically, while a person infected with COVID-19 is symptomatic, they should maintain separation from household animals as they would with other household members, and avoid direct contact with pets, including petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, sleeping in the same location, and sharing food. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, service animals should be permitted to remain with their handlers. If possible, a household member should be designated to care for pets in the home and should follow standard handwashing practices before and after interacting with the household animal. If a person with COVID-19 must care for pets, they should ensure they wash their hands before and after caring for pets.

Care for household animals that are sick or injured should be coordinated with the household’s local veterinarian. In order to ensure the veterinary clinic is prepared for the household animal, the owner should call ahead and arrange the hospital or clinic visit. If an owner is sick with COVID-19, a family member or friend from outside the household may bring the animal to a veterinary hospital or clinic. Telemedicine may also be appropriate to provide consultation with a veterinarian if the owner is a COVID-19 case and is unable to find an alternative caretaker to bring the pet to the hospital. Veterinarians that see animals that have a new, concerning illness and reside with a person with COVID-19 should contact their state public health veterinarian.

In some instances, household animals may require alternative care or re-homing if the owner is unable to care for the animal or has surrendered the animal. A home receiving a new household animal should follow standard handwashing practices before and after interacting with the animal. Shelters receiving household animals should ensure they review and adhere to their established biosafety and biosecurity practices for infectious diseases.

For more information or answers to frequently asked questions about pets, visit:

A review of the number of positive COVID19 cases being reported by the Connecticut State Department of Health, as of 1:30 pm this Thursday, March 26, 2020 reveals that out of the total 1,012 confirmed laboratory cases in Connecticut, 607 were located in Fairfield County, 89 were from Westport and 10 from Weston. Of the 137 increase in the number of Fairfield County cases from yesterday, 2 were from Westport and 0 from Weston. This is the smallest increase Westport and Weston positive cases since the spread was first reported. This could be good news showing that more aggressive social distancing is starting to work, or an artifact of less testing in Fairfield County. The days ahead will tell the tale, but clearly, it is no reason to ease the efforts of keeping your distance from others. There are now COVID19 patients in all of Connecticut’s Counties, the days largest increase in Hartford and New Haven Counties.

Of those with confirmed cases in Connecticut, the largest number of cases continues to be in the over 50 to 59 age group. The over 70 age group has the highest number of hospitalizations and the over 80 age group clearly has the highest mortality rate.

To best protect yourself and loved ones, assume the virus is everywhere and avoid touching your face before washing your hands.

For a more detailed look at how COVID19 is spreading across the state, click on this link:

The next rounds of community testing at the Bedford Middle School, 88 North Avenue, for residents of Westport and Weston are still scheduled for:

Tuesday, March 31, 2020     8:30AM – 12:00PM
Tuesday,   April  7,  2020      8:30AM – 12:00PM

PLEASE NOTE that these testing dates are subject to change, depending on test swab availability. Both the WWHD and Murphy Medical are working to obtain additional testing swabs but all supplies are very limited. If additional swabs cannot be located, the Bedford Middle School testing will have to be postponed. NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION WILL BE POSTED ON THIS AND ON EACH TOWN’S WEBSITE.

There are other testing sites and are listed below. If you have had contact with a confirmed COVID19 positive individual and have symptoms, please feel free to arrange testing at one of these other sites.

COVID-19 Call Centers and Testing Information

TESTING SITES: Dates and Times are Subject to Change

  • Bridgeport Hospital (Updated 3/17/20)
    • Ahlbin Center Garage
    • 226 Mill Hill Ave, Bpt
    • M-F 8am-5pm
    • S&S 9am-3pm
    • Questions, call the Yale call center (833-275-9644)

Lawrence & Memorial Hospital (Updated 3/17/20)

    • Parking lot A of the hospital
    • 365 Montauk Ave, New London
    • M-F 9am-5pm
    • Weekends-TBD
    • Questions, call the Yale call center (833-275-9644)

Yale New Haven Hospital (Updated 3/17/20)

    • 150 Sargent Dr, New Haven
    • M-F 8am-4:30pm
    • Questions, call the Yale call center (833-275-9644)

Greenwich Hospital (Updated 3/17/20)

    • On hospital property in lower level physician parking lot off Lake Ave (Hospital address is 5 Perryridge Road)
    • M-F 8am-5pm
    • S&S 9am-3pm
    • Results take 4-5 days
    • Questions, call the Yale call center (833-275-9644)

New Rochelle (Updated 3/14/20)

    • 1-888-364-3065
    • Unclear if this is just for their residents or for anyone

Quest (Updated 3/16/20)

    • Office must have partnership with lab
    • Quest will not collect the sample
    • Test Results in 3-5 days

LabCorp (Updated 3/16/20)

    • Office must have partnership with lab
    • Lab Corp will not collect the sample
    • Test Results in 3-5 days


  • Private Drive Through testing: Murphy Medical & Hartford HC (Updated 3/17/20)
    • Must register and book an appointment at
    • Must have an MD order
    • Locations: (These change frequently, double check before going at link above)
      • 1 East Putnam Ave, Greenwich
        • M-F 7am-9am
        • Location on hold
      • Cummings Park, Stamford
        • M-F 7am-4pm
      • 589 Bedford St,Stamford
        • M-F 6am-8am
      • 1000 Main St,Stratford
        • M-F 10am-12pm
      • 80 High School Lane,Darien
        • M 1pm-4pm
      • 468 South Ave, NewCanaan
        • Th 9am-4pm


State Call Center:  (Updated 3/11/20)

  • 211
    • 24/7
    • Multilingual
    • TDD/TTY
    • General questions
    • Text “COVID19” to 898211

Yale Call center: (Updated 3/17/20)

  • 833-275-9644 (open 7am-7pm)
    • Questions related to symptoms
    • Questions on where to get tested
    • Staffed by HC professionals
    • Informational only
    • Emergencies- call 911

Norwalk Hospital Call Center:  (Updated 3/16/20)

  • 888-667-9262
  • 8am-8pm

Norwalk Hospital Testing – Parking lot at the intersection of Stevens Street and Elmcrest Terrace

Hours Monday Thru Saturday   8:30am to 3:30pm

Stamford Hospital Call Center: (Updated 3/16/20)

  • 203-276-4111
  • 7am-7pm

Hartford Healthcare Call Center:  (Updated 3/13/20)

  • 860-972-8100

CT Joint Information Center (JIC) (Updated 3/13/20)

Mental Health Crisis Text Line (Updated 3/13/20)

  • Text “SHARE” to 741741